- 1. Volleyball
- 2. Court
- 3. Net
- 4. Team
- 5. Player
- 6. Serve
- 7. Spike
- 8. Block
- 9. Pass
- 0. Set
- 1. Dig
- 2. Libero
- 3. Rotation
- 4. Point
- 5. Match
- 6. Game
- 7. Rally
- 8. Side-out
- 9. Ace
- 0. Kill
- 1. Attack
- 2. Defense
- 3. Blocker
- 4. Setter
- 5. Libero
- 6. Match Point
- 7. Volley
- 8. Rotation Order
- 9. Overhead Pass
- 0. Foot Fault
- 1. Rotation Error
- 2. Timeout
- 3. Side Change
- 4. Officials
- 5. Foul
- 6. Violation
- 7. Scoring
- 8. Tournament
- 9. Warm-up
- 0. Coach
- 1. Serve over the net
- 2. Bump or pass the ball
- 3. Set the ball
- 4. Spike the ball
- 5. Block the opponent's spike
- 6. Dig the ball
- 7. Rotate positions
- 8. Call for a timeout
- 9. Keep the ball in play
- 0. Stay in your rotation order
- 1. Watch the ball
- 2. Communicate with your teammates
- 3. Stay focused
- 4. Play to win
- 总结
1. Volleyball - 排球(也可以简称为"volleyball")
2. Court - 球场
3. Net - 网
4. Team - 队伍
5. Player - 球员
6. Serve - 发球
7. Spike - 扣杀
8. Block - 封堵
9. Pass - 传球
10. Set - 设定/二传
11. Dig - 挖球
12. Libero - 自由人(一种专门的防守球员)
13. Rotation - 轮换
14. Point - 分数
15. Match - 比赛
16. Game - 游戏(通常指一场比赛)
17. Rally - 拍球交流
18. Side-out - 失去发球权
19. Ace - 直接得分发球
20. Kill - 扣杀得分
21. Attack - 进攻
22. Defense - 防守
23. Blocker - 封堵手
24. Setter - 设定手
25. Libero - 自由人(一种专门的防守球员)
26. Match Point - 赛点
27. Volley - 拍球
28. Rotation Order - 轮换顺序
29. Overhead Pass - 头顶传球
30. Foot Fault - 足球犯规
31. Rotation Error - 轮换错误
32. Timeout - 暂停
33. Side Change - 换场
34. Officials - 裁判员
35. Foul - 犯规
36. Violation - 违规
37. Scoring - 计分
38. Tournament - 锦标赛
39. Warm-up - 热身
40. Coach - 教练
1. Serve over the net - 把球发过网
2. Bump or pass the ball - 拍传球
3. Set the ball - 设定球
4. Spike the ball - 扣杀球
5. Block the opponent's spike - 阻止对手的扣杀
6. Dig the ball - 挖球
7. Rotate positions - 轮换位置
8. Call for a timeout - 请求暂停
9. Keep the ball in play - 保持球在比赛中
10. Stay in your rotation order - 保持轮换顺序
11. Watch the ball - 注视球
12. Communicate with your teammates - 与队友沟通
13. Stay focused - 保持专注
14. Play to win - 为了赢而比赛
- 上一篇:腱鞘炎用什么药治疗最好最快
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