Be angry with someone:
- 这是最直接和常见的表达方式。
- 例句:I am angry with John because he broke my favorite vase.
Be mad at someone:
- 这表达了一种较强烈的愤怒情绪,常用于非正式场合。
- 例句:She is mad at her brother for taking her car without asking.
Be upset with someone:
- 这表达了一种较为温和的生气情绪,可能包含失望的成分。
- 例句:He is upset with his friend for forgetting his birthday.
Be furious with someone:
- 这表达了极端的愤怒。
- 例句:The manager was furious with the team for losing the contract.
Be cross with someone:
- 这是一种较英式的表达,表示轻微的生气。
- 例句:Mother was cross with the children for making a mess in the living room.
Be irritated with someone:
- 这表示因某人而感到烦躁或恼火。
- 例句:She is irritated with her colleague who constantly interrupts her during meetings.
情境: 假设有一个叫Alice的员工,她在工作中非常努力,但她的同事Bob经常在团队会议上打断她,不尊重她的意见,甚至在背后散布关于她的不实言论。这导致Alice对Bob感到非常愤怒。
- Alice一开始只是对Bob的行为感到轻微的不满,她可能会说:“I am a bit upset with Bob for always interrupting me.”
- 随着Bob的行为持续发生,Alice的不满逐渐升级为愤怒,她可能会说:“I am getting really angry with Bob for his disrespectful behavior.”
- 在一次特别令人沮丧的会议后,Alice的情绪达到了顶点,她可能会说:“I am absolutely furious with Bob! He not only interrupted me again but also spread lies about me behind my back.”
- Alice决定与Bob直接沟通,表达她的感受,她可能会说:“I need to talk to Bob. I am extremely cross with him, and this situation needs to be resolved.”
- 经过沟通,如果Bob有所改进,Alice的情绪可能会缓和,她可能会说:“I am still a bit irritated with Bob, but he seems to be making an effort to change.”
Alice(对朋友说):You know, I’ve been trying to be patient, but I am truly angry with Bob. His constant interruptions and gossip are beyond tolerable.
Friend:That sounds really frustrating. Have you talked to him about it?
Alice:Yes, I finally confronted him. I told him straight up, “I am furious with you for treating me this way. It’s unprofessional and hurtful.”
Friend:How did he react?
Alice:He seemed surprised at first, but then he apologized and promised to be more respectful. I’m still upset, but I hope things will improve.
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