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1. I'm flying to [destination] on [date]: - 我将在[date]搭乘飞机前往[目的地]。

2. I have a flight to catch to [destination]: - 我要搭乘飞机去[目的地]。

3. I'll be taking a plane to [destination]: - 我将乘坐飞机前往[目的地]。

4. I'm flying out of [departure city] and arriving in [destination city]: - 我将从[出发城市]出发,抵达[目的地城市]。

5. I'm going on a business trip and flying to [destination]: - 我要去出差,飞往[目的地]。

6. I booked a flight to [destination] with [airline]: - 我预订了一张[航空公司]的飞往[目的地]的机票。

7. I'll be departing from [airport] and landing at [destination airport]: - 我将从[出发机场]出发,降落在[目的地机场]。

8. I have a layover in [layover city]: - 我在[中转城市]停留。

9. I'll be flying in economy/business/first class: - 我将搭乘经济舱/商务舱/头等舱。

10. I'll be traveling with my family/friends/colleagues: - 我将和我的家人/朋友/同事一起旅行。

11. I need to check in at the airport: - 我需要在机场办理登机手续。

12. I have my passport and boarding pass ready: - 我已经准备好护照和登机牌。

13. I'll go through security and customs before boarding: - 我将在登机前经过安检和海关。

14. I'll board the plane when they call my group/row: - 当他们叫我的组/排时,我将登机。

15. I'll be flying on a direct flight/non-stop flight/connecting flight: - 我将搭乘直达航班/非直达航班/中转航班。

16. I'll need to claim my baggage at [destination airport]: - 我将需要在[目的地机场]领取我的行李。

17. I have a window/aisle seat preference: - 我偏好靠窗/靠走廊的座位。

18. I'll be on a red-eye flight: - 我将搭乘红眼航班。

19. I'm excited/nervous about the flight: - 我对这次飞行感到兴奋/紧张。

20. I'll have some in-flight entertainment to pass the time: - 我会有一些飞行时的娱乐来打发时间。


